Thursday, August 30, 2012

Section 219 of RA 7160

SEC. 219. General Revision of assessments and Property Classification. - The provincial, city or municipal assessor shall undertake a general revision of real property assessments within two (2) years after the effectivity of this Code and every three (3) years thereafter.


  1. For a healthy and participative discussion in this blog, visitors are requested to post comments/question involving issues and concerns about real estate to share with others.

    1. when is this law on reassessment if properties implemented? We have a property in Montalban Rizal. The assessor started the reassessment in 2007.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The Assessor under this provision is no longer authorized by law to revise a property when transferred to he buyer, if the value of this property had been updated when still owned by the Seller

  4. The correct wording would have been "when transferred to the buyer"

  5. how about if there is a circumstances that the said property was tax by person whom he/she is not the real owner and the said property is not his/her own but in the long run they continue gain fruitfully without the knowledge from the real owner because the real owner is far from his farmlot and no one taking care of it but the tresspasser continue and pursuing to cultivate the land.

  6. Is there a law to prohibit this action/activity??

  7. This is my response to the comment made by ms. Aileen raymundo. Anybody whether he/she is not the real owner of the said property can pay its realty taxes for let's say many years already, still he/she can not own the said property, paying taxes is not considered as ground as proof of ownership. It will still be done in due and legal process. It will remain in the name of the real owner. And if an authorized person try to improve the land by cultivating it, he/she has no right to demand for possessionary right.

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  10. Paying the real property taxes is not the proof of ownership nor a proof as beneficial user/possession

  11. I feel a lot more people need to read this, very good info!

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